Dr. Kenneth D. Kaunda
Wednesday 14 NOVEMBER 1800 – 1930
Voksenåsen Oslo
Ullveien 4, 0791 Oslo
K.K. Is coming to Norway to attend an international conference:
“A Dialogue conference on the unpredictable past and future of genocide,”
which is to be held at Voksenåsen November 16 and 17. To mark this occasion, Voksenåsen in collaboration with Networkers South North is hosting a reception and meeting with Dr. Kenneth D. Kaunda.
One remembers Kenneth David Kaunda for his important role in the fight against colonial powers, apartheid in Southern Africa throughout several decades of the 20th century. Kenneth Kaunda is 83 years old and is still active both in political diplomacy and in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
It is crucial that guests RSVP by Sunday, November 9 to confirm their attendance to the of the following email address:
Food and Drinks will be served for free!!!!
On Behalf of Networkers and Voksenåsen
Karl Einar Ellingsen and Øystein Tveter