Sunday, 1 September 2013
Rwandan troops cross border into DR Congo territory
At around 6 am on Sunday, September 1 Rwandese army units have crossed the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Ruthuru Bugarama, 28 km from Goma, the provincial capital of North Kivu. According to diplomatic sources that reside in Goma the Rwandan Democratic Force (RDF) have not yet joined the fighting with the Congolese army (FARDC).The Rwandan soldiers secured the conquered territory to set up the necessary logistics to the bulk of the invasion force stationed at the border.
The strength of invasion force for the moment consists of 6 infantry divisions and 4 Division of tanks with air cover provided by combat helicopters positioned from last Friday along the border with Congo along with several batteries of heavy artillery pointed at the main city Goma and Bukavu. The deployment of the Rwandan armed forces to the border is claimed to be the answer to the constant bombardment of Rwandan civilians from Congo.
34 howitzers bombs and missiles were fired from the DR Congo during the last two weeks creating several casualties among civilians. Rwanda accuses the Congolese army for carrying unacceptable levels and steps provocation while the UN peacekeeping force in Congo, MONUSCO, said that the perpetrators of the bombing are in reality rebels M23 with the aim of involving Rwanda in the conflict with Congolese army, FARDC.
A week ago a modest Ugandan military contingent, consisting of a battalion of infantry and two tanks had crossed the border Congolese amounting to 20 km. Until now, the FARDC would not attack the invaders, the Ugandans.
The regional conflict seems imminent. Tomorrow Heads of State of the Great Lakes Region will participate in a special meeting in an attempt to avert the Third Pan African War in the Congo.
See original article in French here. Translated from: fulviobeltramiafrica.