Monday, 3 December 2007
Mnakumbushwa kuhusu kuwakilisha ada za uanachama za kila muhula kwa mhazini wetu. Kama hutaweza fanya hivyo, waweza mpatia kiongozi yeyote na mchango wako utafika mahala unapohitajika kufika.
Ada ni 200NOK
Ahsante kwa ushirikiano wako!
Mhazini - TASAO
Friday, 9 November 2007

Dr. Kenneth D. Kaunda
Wednesday 14 NOVEMBER 1800 – 1930
Voksenåsen Oslo
Ullveien 4, 0791 Oslo
K.K. Is coming to Norway to attend an international conference:
“A Dialogue conference on the unpredictable past and future of genocide,”
which is to be held at Voksenåsen November 16 and 17. To mark this occasion, Voksenåsen in collaboration with Networkers South North is hosting a reception and meeting with Dr. Kenneth D. Kaunda.
One remembers Kenneth David Kaunda for his important role in the fight against colonial powers, apartheid in Southern Africa throughout several decades of the 20th century. Kenneth Kaunda is 83 years old and is still active both in political diplomacy and in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
It is crucial that guests RSVP by Sunday, November 9 to confirm their attendance to the of the following email address:
Food and Drinks will be served for free!!!!
On Behalf of Networkers and Voksenåsen
Karl Einar Ellingsen and Øystein Tveter
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
'Sex Play' in kindergartens - Watanzania mpooh!!

Norwegians woke up Tuesday morning to news that a respected Oslo pre-school teacher, backed by child psychologists, thinks children should be allowed to openly express their own sexuality, not least through sex play and games in the local day care centers known as barnehager, or kindergartens.
The vast majority of Norwegians send their children from the age of one to the kindergartens, where they spend their days until they begin school at age six.
Pia Friis, leader of the popular Bjerkealleen Barnehage in Oslo and a well-known pre-school educator, told newspaper Dagbladet on Tuesday that children should be allowed to express their own sexuality at day care centers. She doesn't want to stifle what comes naturally.
Children, she said, should be able "to look at each other and examine each other's bodies. They can play doctor, play mother and father, dance naked and masturbate.
"But their sexuality must also be socialized, so they are not, for example, allowed to masturbate while sitting and eating. Nor can they be allowed to pressure other children into doing things they don't want to."Friis said there's a lot of uncertainty around how day care center employees should handle children's sexuality.
"The only thing that is absolutely certain is that children, sooner or later, will play sexual games and examine each other at the kindergarten," she told Dagbladet. "When the personnel are uncertain, that passes on to the children, and it can be negative."
The issue is the topic of an article in the latest edition of the magazine published by Norway's industry association for privately owned kindergartens, PBL-nytt, and Friis thinks it's important. So do child psychologist Thore Langfeldt and family therapist Jesper Juul. "Children must learn about sexuality, otherwise things can go very wrong," said Langfeldt. "Children can't object to something they don't know about, and children can more easily and readily report assaults if they already are aware of their own sexuality." Juul conceded that "many are disturbed by children's sexuality, but I think it's important to put it on the agenda. That, in fact, is what we're doing."
While Norwegians are known for being liberal and tolerant, the issue already has sparked heated debate on radio programs and in online opinion forums. And some politicians are outraged, not least those on the conservative side. "I thought at first that this was a joke," said Karin Ståhl Woldseth, a spokesman on family issues for the Progress Party.
"Sexual games don't belong in a kindergarten," she declared. "Children don't need more exposure to this in kindergartens. We think it will damage their health."
Source: Aftenposten English Web Desk
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Mzee wa mawe,
James Apolkarpi
Mob#: +255 754 588706
Email: james2001tz@ yahoo.com
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Kwa wanaopenda kujiendeleza kielimu!
1. All Tanzanians who are interested are called to apply. AtNIMR there are opportunities for Scientists and other staff. See the list of 46 Universities below. I have to say that please let as many people you know as possible apply (even outside of NIMR) - as most people may not have this information. In each University, there are procedures for application -the web page in Norwegian (click English) - to see the info in English. Then go to prospective students, then choose Quota program then make two choices. Initially you will fill in preliminary appl. - then they will send you the appl. forms through email.
2. Academic requirements: Basic training with General Pass Average (GPA) of 3.5 (Upper Second) and above - those with 1st Class usually are selected as policy. In addition, indication of Work experience is important. (Not mandatory as there are many Masters’ students studying here just fresh from Schools in Tanzania.
3. Sponsorship: These programs are fully sponsored. Education in Norway is free- so no tuition fees! The government will give you stipend to support food, travel accommodation etc. There are three main sponsorship arrangements:
I. Quota- this is the largest-
II. NOMA (formerly NORAD) - this is mainly for Masters and students do their studies either in South Africa or Makerere – Uganda but get funds as if they are studying in Norway.
4. Deadline for Application is 1st of December. All application forms together with letters of support, original certificates and other information should reach the Universities by this date.
5. Best places for NIMR Scientists/ Support staff.
i. University of Bergen
ii.University of Oslo
iii.University of Trøndheim
iv.University of Trømso
For Administrators at NIMR- Masters of Public Administration in Bergen and Oslo are very good courses- there are students from Mzumbe, from Uganda, Ghana etc.
6. PhD Program requirements: A protocol addressing priority problems is needed. From experience- Universities in Norway don’t accept other Masters from other countries for PhD directly- you will need one year to be assessed for Masters and in the second year you can switch to PhD program. If you have Masters in Norway you will be accepted directly- PhD prog. is three years- If you have Masters from elsewhere PhD prg. is 4 years. In the PhD prog. while studying in Norway req. is publication of 3 or 4 articles in peer reviewed journals.
7. If you are interested- or you have relative or friend, someone you know, with good qualifications- please pass the info. If you are unable to get the forms- feel free to contact TASAO or any Tanzanian student studying in Norway.
We encourage as many Tanzanians as possible to apply!
Academic institutions in the Quota Scheme
Monday, 18 June 2007
The Farewell Speech to the Home Returning TASAO Members – 2007
To the Guest of honour, Mrs. Michele Nysæter – Senior Executive Officer and Quota Students Coordinator from the University of Oslo,
Distinguished guests,
Friends and Family and,
Of course, the graduating colleagues of 2007,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to say “habari zenu” (Hello) to every body.
Dear guest of honour
On behalf of the TASAO leadership, the outgoing and the remaining members I would like to say thank you for accepting our request to be the guest of honour today. With one heart, we say Ahsante na Karibu sana! (Thank you and you are very much welcomed) to our First TASAO Farewell Party – 2007.
TASAO is an acronym that stands for Tanzanian Students Association - Oslo was established on 6th of January, 2007. Currently it has 35 members among which some are seated in our midst and soon will be leaving for home – Tanzania after completing their studies from various learning institutions in Oslo. As for now, our organization is not yet registered but we look forward to have it registered as soon as possible.
The motives behind starting our organization among many other were to;
To foster unity and friendship among Tanzanians studying in Oslo
To provide a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to Tanzanian students in Oslo
To foster cultural and social ties with all peoples of Tanzanian descent in and around the Oslo community
To promote solidarity of Tanzanians with other foreign students
To help incoming Tanzanian students settle and achieve their educational objectives while in Oslo community
To strengthen and consolidate the existing friendly relationship between Tanzania and Norway
To act on other matters related to the aims and objectives as stated above
Our being here is part of the implementation of those objectives.
To the Guest of honour!
We would like to ask you to convey our sincere thanks to the government of Norway through the QUOTA state fund Office for their support to us. We appreciate of their financial assistance which contributes a lot to our upkeep in this country. These students whom we are gathered here for are some of the beneficiaries of the program. Everybody understands that education and especially higher education in Europe is expensive, and if we were to pay everything from our pocket, very few of us could afford. Thanks to QUOTA that has continued giving us a hand of support to study in Norway. We also request this body to continue supporting students from developing countries as most of these countries are not able to finance their students.
Now let me say something to our colleagues who will soon be returning home – Tanzania.
To the leaving students
First and foremost we would like to congratulate you for your achievements and the levels of education you have attained. We understand that it was not easy for you to climb the ladder of education, but by God’s grace and your personal effort you have made it. Once again we say congratulations.
You have today gathered us here to celebrate with you one of the great days of your lives. You are leaving and you all are commencing—you are beginning. Today is your birthday, the birthday of practicing what you have acquired from school. We participate today in the rite of passage by which you are released from this life of preparation into that life for which you are now as prepared as anyone ever is.
Remember, every life speaks to the power of what can be done. The level of education you have attained should not make you relax and assume that the world is all around you. Your PhD without publications will be useless; your master degree without reasonable output will be a shame to your lectures and wastage of your days that you have spent here in Oslo. Our nation, your family and friends all look up to you with great expectation upon your return. They are expecting to see the good bestowed fruits of Norway coming out of you. Failure to deliver the best is letting down the education offered by the Norwegian academic institutions and the resources that have gone into educating you in these institutions.
As the great writer James Baldwin said: "…Your crown has been bought and paid for. All you have to do is put it on your head…." And so is your education someone, somewhere paid for it, make use of it for the benefits of our nation – Tanzania and the world at large.
Dear outgoing TASAO members!
As you stand at the gate of the future, we would like to share with you a piece of information about the life ahead of you. Turn your wounds into wisdom. You will be wounded many times in your life. You will make mistakes in your new offices and various places of work. Some people will call them failures but get to learn that failure is really God's way of saying, "Excuse me, you're moving in the wrong direction." It's just but an experience, just an experience.
Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event over which we have no control and deal with it and then move on with our lives. It helps distinguish us from animals. No matter what hyenas sound like, they are not actually laughing.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are difficulties you are going to meet from here on, one of them is unemployment. But as said before, laugh at it and take action to counteract it. School has taught us to become very self reliant, remember the “Siasa Ya Ujamaa na Kujitegemea” policy. Though it looks like one of the dead policies, still its values hold water. The era of relying on the government for our daily bread are now over, we need to stand on our own feet and cultivate the earth for out of it comes the bread. Make use of your knowledge to earn your bread. We know that some of you are looking forward to be employed by certain organizations, do not be surprised that your dreams of being employed by that organization turns into a nightmare. However, do not give up press on another door will open somewhere.
To the women, Norway has been a good example of how women fight for their rights. We have seen their achievements from school point of view to politics. They are highly impressive. If you were looking for an example, you have got it; Norway is the best example to follow. Understand: every attack on a woman for not knowing her place is an attack on you. Don't underestimate yourself, but come forth and stand for the women’s rights. Do not let men take your positions just because you are not able, who said that?
Lastly but not least we are all aware of the corruption problem in our country. Let us be the watchdog to this problem. To avoid its temptation, we need to learn to be contented. The desire to have in excess is what has made many elite people engage into corruption. We urge you therefore to act like none of them, be good examples where people can learn from the good values of life.
With these words I (We) want to say FAREWELL DEAR COLLEAGUES AND FRIENDS!!
We will miss you. One way or another, you have had quite an impact on this place and our life in general. And you will leave quite a big gap here. We shall remember you for being responsible. We shall remember you for being supportive and very concerned over fellow students’ / Tanzanians’ affairs. We shall always remember the way you helped us when we got stuck academically and for the orientation you gave us around the Oslo City! Most of all, we will remember you for being great persons to have around. We say thank you so much and wish you a prosperous life and a safe journey back home.
God bless TASAO! God bless Tanzania, AMEN!
The President,
Tanzanian Students Association – Oslo
30thApril, 2007
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Friday, 20 April 2007
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Sunday, 11 March 2007

Napenda kuchukua nafasi hii kuwakaribisha rasmi ,kuanza kuwakilisha fees za tasao ,kama tulivyokubaliana katika kikao cha tarehe 24/ 02 / 07 ,na zilikuwa kama ifuatavyo;
(i) Ada ya kuingilia uanachamaHii ni ada itakayokupa uhalali wa kuwa mwanachama wa TASAOKikao kilipitisha NOK 100/=(ii) Ada ya kila semisterKikao kiliona kuwa ili kuepusha michango ya mara kwa mara ni vema kuwa na mchango wa kila semester. Kwa pamoja walikubali kuchanga NOK 200 kwa kila semister.
Hivyo basi kila mwanachama ,anaombwa kuwasilisha kiasi cha 300NOK
Ingekuwa ni vyema tuharakishe michango hii ,kama mnavyofahamu Graduation ni mwisho wa mwezi ujao ,Tungependa kufahamu mapema ,kiasi che fedha ili tujue kama kuna haja ya kuchangia Graduation au la.
Naomba ada hizo ziwakilishwe ,anwani hii Block 10 ,H0106 napatikana kuanzia saa moja jioni na kuendelea jumatatu mpaka jumapili.
Au waweza wasiliana na kiongozi yeyote aliye karibu nawe kwa kurahisiha zoezi hili hakikisha unapata taarifa za mawasilisho ya mchango wako kwa mhazini.
Asante sana Kwa ushirikiano wenu ,
Beatrice Chinguwile,
Mweka Hazina .
Friday, 2 March 2007
Salamu na Hoja za Wana - TASAO kwa Mh. Rais J.M. Kikwete, 28.02.2007
Hapa Norway na hususani Oslo, kuna wanafunzi watanzania wanaosoma katika vyuo mbalimbali. Wanafunzi hawa wanaunganishwa kwa pamoja katika Umoja wao unaojulikana kama TASAO – Tanzanian Students Association – Oslo. Umoja huu umeanzishwa january, 6 mwaka huu, kwa malengo ya kuwaunganisha, kusaidiana kwa hali na mali pia kuhamasishana katika kutimiza na kufikia malengo ya kishule yaliyotuleta huku kama wanafunzi.
Baada ya hayo mheshimiwa Rais, wanafunzi walikuwa na haya ya kusema kuhusu yanayojiri kwa ndugu zetu, wadogo zetu, kaka na dada zetu huko nyumbani Tanzania:
1. Suala la kuchangia elimu ya juu:
Kwa pamoja tunaungana na serikali katika suala hili. Tunaomba serikali iwe makini haswa katika suala la nani anastahili kupata mkopo.. Hata hivyo tuna mapendekezo yafuatayo;
i. Twaiomba serikali itoe mkopo kwa 100% kwa kila mwanafunzi aliyefaulu na ana sifa za kujiunga na chuo.
ii. Wazazi na wanafunzi waelimishwe juu ya suala hili ili kuepusha migongano
iii. Iwekwe mikakati thabiti ya kufuatilia urejeshwaji wa mikopo iliyotolewa ili iweze kuwasaidia na wengine
iv. Kuna haja ya kupitia mara kwa mara viwango vya posho na mikopo ili kukidhi tatizo la viwango vidogo vya bei za soko.
2. Kuhusu mazingira ya kusomea:
Pamoja na nia nzuri ya serikali katika kuongeza idadi ya vyuo na wanafunzi wanaojiunga na elimu ya juu, serikali pia izingatie;
i. Uwiano wa miundombinu na idadi ya wanafunzi
ii. Ihamasishe wawekezaji kuwekeza kwa kujenga hosteli kwa ajili ya malazi ya wanafunzi ndani ya maeneno ya vyuo.
iii. Ukubwa wa darasa (number of student) iendane na idadi ya walimu kwa baadhi ya vitivo
iv. Uboreshaji wa usafiri kwa wanafunzi wanaoshi nje ya vyuo (kampasi)
v. Uwezo wa vyuo kumudu mahitaji ya ufundishaji yanayohusiana na programu zilizoongezwa
3. Elimu kazini
Sambamba na nia nzuri ya serikali kuendeleza viwango vya elimu kwa watumishi wake, yapo matatizo ambayo yanarudisha nyuma nia nzuri ya serikali yetu. Kama yafuatayo:
i. Baadhi ya watumishi kuzuiwa kwenda masomoni hata pale wanapokuwa na ufadhili binafsi
ii. Kutotambulika kazini pindi wamalizapo masomo yao na kutakiwa kuomba kazi hizo upya
iii. Kutokuinuliwa kwa vyeo ama kupandishwa kwa madaraja ya utumishi ya watumishi kulingana na viwango vyao vya elimu walivyojiendeleza
4. Utafiti
Ili kuendana na mabadiliko ya sayansi na teknolojia tunapendekeza serikali kuzingatia yafuatayo;
i. Iwekeze kwenye tafiti za msingi kwa maendeleo ya nchi
ii. Ithamini na kutumia matokeo ya tafiti mbalimbali zilizokwisha fanyika kwa ajili ya nchi yetu
Mwisho twasema ahsante kwa kututembelea na twakuomba kama wanafunzi tufikishie salamu zetu kwa mfalme na serikali ya Norway kwa ufadhili wao kwetu katika masomo. Twawaomba wasichoke kutusaidia. Pia tusalimie wa-Tanzania wenzetu walioko huko nyumbani pindi utakapo rejea. Karibu tena - Norway.
Ni sisi wanafunzi wa Tanzania hapa Oslo - Norway
Imesomwa na Rais wa TASAO,
JOHN, Chalukulu
Taarifa ya kikao cha TASAO tarehe 24.02.07
Tarehe: 24-02-07
Mahali: Chuo kikuu cha Sayansi ya michezo na elimu ya viungo-Norway (NIH) -Songsvann
2. Kufunguliwa kwa kikao
Kikao kilifunguliwa rasmi na aliyekuwa mwenyekiti wa muda wa TASAO.
3. Kusomwa kwa taarifa ya kikao kilicho pita.
Katibu alisoma taarifa ya kikao kilicho tangulia cha tarehe 03-02-07.
Wanachama walikubaliana na taarifa hiyo.
4 Yatokanayo na kikao kilichopita.
Kikao kilichopita kilidhamiria pamoja na agenda nyigine, kufanya uchaguzi kwa mujibu wa katiba. Hivyo kilipendeleza tarehe 24-02-07 kuwa ndiyo situ ya ya uchaguzi mkuu wa TASAO.
5. Zifuatazo ndiyo zilikuwa agenda za mkutano
(i) Mahafali ya kuwaaga wanaomaliza
(ii) Ada ya uanachama
(iii) Ujio wa Rais Kikwete
(iv) Uhusiano wa TASAO na vyama vingine Norway
(v)Uchaguzi wa viongozi
(vi) Mengineyo
6. Mahafali ya kuwaaga wanaomaliza
Kikao kwa pamoja kilikubali kuwepo na mahafali ya kuwaaga wanaomaliza. Ili kuweza kuwaaga wote wanaomaliza kwa pamoja, wajumbe walipendekeza kufanya sherehe mapema. Kwa kuwa wanafunzi wanapishana muda wa kumaliza, ilionekana ni vema tufanye sherehe mwezi wa nne(April) na iwe situ ya ijumaa ili kuruhusu wajumbe kushiriki. Tarehe rasmi itatangazwa baadae.
7. Ada ya uanachama
Kikao kilitangaza rasmi kuwa kutakuwa na ada za aina mbili
(i) Ada ya kuingilia uanachama
Hii ni ada itakayokupa uhalali wa kuwa mwanachama wa TASAO
Kikao kilipitisha NOK 100/=
(ii) Ada ya kila semister
Kikao kiliona kuwa ili kuepusha michango ya mara kwa mara ni vema kuwa na mchango wa kila semester. Kwa pamoja walikubali kuchanga NOK200 kwa kila semister.
Wajumbe walipendekeza kuwa ni vema matumizi na mapato ya TASAO yawekwe wazi kwa kila mwanachama.
8. Ujio wa Rais wa Tanzania.
Wajumbe kwa pamoja walijadili kuhusu ujio wa Rais Kikwete nchini Norway. Wajumbe kwa pamoja waliona kuna haja ya kuwa na risala yao kama wanafunzi kwa mheshimiwa Rais. Waliona kuwa risala yao igusie masuala ya wanafunzi wakiwa masomoni nje ya nchi na ndugu zao walio kule nyumbani Tanzania. Kwa hali hiyo, waliona kuna haja ya kuunda kamati ili kuweza kuandika risala yao kwa kupokea michango mbalimbali kutoka kwa wanafunzi. Kikao kilichagua wajumbe wawili. Wajumbe hao wataungana na Rais, Katibu na Makamu wa Rais watakaochaguliwa hapo baadae. Hivyo kamati ya kuandika risala ilikuwa na watu watano.
Wajumbe wafuatao walichaguliwa na mkutano
(i) Hafsa, Waziri
(ii) Robert, Ngukah
9. Uhusiano wa TASAO na vyama vingine vya Kitanzania hapa Norway
Mkutano uliona kuwa TASAO ni chama kipia na wengi hawajakifahamu. Kuna haja ya kukitangaza chama na watu waelewe malengo ya chama. Moja ya jambo alilosisitiza mwenyekiti ni kuwa lengo la TASAO ni kuendaleza ushirikiano na vyama vingine. TASAO pia iliona kuwa kuna haja ya kupanua ushirikiano na kuheshimu vyama vingine hasa vya Kitanzania hapa Oslo na Norway kwa ujumla
10. Uchaguzi wa viongozi
Ili kuweza kuendesha zoezi la uchaguzi, Kamati ya uchaguzi iliundwa. Wafuatao walichaguliwa
(i) Juma Lungo (M/kiti)
(ii)Kisa Mwakatobe (katibu)
(iii)Jacob Mwangomola (mjumbe)
Mara baada ya uchaguzi wa kamati ya uchaguzi, viongozi wa muda walivuliwa madaraka na zoezi la uchaguzi likaanza.
11. Matokeo ya uchaguzi
NO. Nafasi Jina
1 Rais wa TASAO John Chalukulu
2 Makamu wa Rais Blakson Kanukisya
3 Katibu TASAO Alice Makule
4 Mtunza Fedha Beatrice Chingumile
5 Academi&recreation i)Hezron Nonga ii)Inocent Buberwa
6 Heath Zawadi Kinyamagoha
7 Wajumbe kamati ya fedha Faraja Ingira, Mary Wariro
8 Wajumbe Amir Makame, Linda lugenge
12. Mengineyo
Rais aliwashukuru wanachama kwa kuwa na imani nae na alisisitiza ushirikiano kwa wana-TASAO
13. Kufunga kikao
Kikao kiliahirishwa hadi kitakapo tangazwa tena saa 11:32
Friday, 16 February 2007
ZIARA YA J.K. OSLO (ni kama email hapo chini inavyosomeka)

Mh. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania.
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:13:51 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Semboja, Mohamed Jumanne"
Subject: Kukutana na Kikwete, Grand Hotel Oslo Norway.
To: "Tanzanet"
- , "Tanzanet"
CC: "Embassy of Tanzania Stockholm"
Taarifa toka ubalozi wetu Stockholm (Sweden) http://www.tanemb.se/
Rais Jakaya Kikwete atakutana na Watanzania waishio Norway hapa Oslo.
Jumatano: Tarehe 28. Februari 2007
MAHALI: Grand Hotel, Karl Johan avenue, Oslo. Karibu na Bunge la Norway (Stortinget)
Saa: Mlango utakuwa wazi saa 17.00 - 18.30 Central European Time.
Baada ya hapo mlango utafungwa! Tukimsubiri Rais.
Tafadhali toa taarifa hii kwa Mtanzania/Watanzania unayem/wafahamu aishie/waishio Norway.
Mnaombwa kuzingatia muda, kufika kwa wakati na kukaa kabla ya Mheshimiwa Rais kuingia. Kuhusu mavazi, itapendeza tukiwa rasmi kwa vazi la heshima.
Ili kujua idadi ya watakaohudhuria tunaomba mpige simu Ubalozini namba +46 8 7322441 au +47 8 7322430 (Stockholm, Sweden) kujiandikisha. au piga simu namba hizo hapo chini, Oslo, Norway.
Semboja, Mwamedi Jumanne.
Chama Cha Watanzania Oslo (CCW Oslo).
Baruapepe: tanzania@online.no
Baruapepe: tanzaniamail@yahoo.com
Simu ya chama ya mkononi: +47 90 80 69 01
Simu ya Semboja (mkononi): +47 95 78 21 96
Simu ya Semboja (nyumbani): +47 22 25 67 77
Saturday, 3 February 2007