Tuesday 3 September 2013

Russian man convicted over illegal chemicals

By Rosina John  (email the author)

Posted  Monday, September 2  2013 at  22:14
In Summary
The accused committed the offence contrary to section 59(1)b and 2(b) of Industrial and Consumer Chemicals Management and Control Act of 2003,” Mwangamila told the Court.

Dar es Salaam. A Russian national, Mr Roman Demchemko, was yesterday convicted by Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court of importing chemicals without a relevant certificate.
He was ordered to pay a fine of Sh150,000 or face six months imprisonment. Mr Demchemko, a director with Goldson Company, was convicted after pleading guilty of charges read by senior state attorney Prosper Mwangamila.
According to Mr Mwangamila, the accused was arrested on August 29 this year at Julius Kambarage Nyerere International Airport importing Nitric and Hydrochloride chemicals without a certificate.
“The accused committed the offence contrary to section 59(1)b and 2(b) of Industrial and Consumer Chemicals Management and Control Act of 2003,” Mwangamila told the Court.
The accused pleaded guilty to the charge which was read before resident magistrate Hellen Riwa and asked the court through his advocate Gaudioz Ishengoma to give him a lenient punishment.
According to advocate Ishengoma, his client is a dealer of minerals and he used the substances for purposes of verifying genuine minerals. Advocate Ishengoma told the court that according to a caution statement of the accused which was admitted by the court as an exhibit, the value of the substances did not exceed 50 Euros.
Furthermore, advocate Ishengoma told the court that the offence in which the accused was admitted imposed an optional sentence which constitutes a fine or presentation of a custodian. In her judgment, magistrate Riwa said the court considered the mitigation of the accused and sentenced him to pay a fine or go to jail.
source: The citizen