Friday 13 September 2013

Africa needs ‘ethical land policies’

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By Polycarp Machira  (email the author)

Posted  Friday, September 13  2013 at  00:00
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There is a lot more that needs to be considered before any decision to evict people from their land is made, but apparently our government does not even give the locals opportunity to express their wishes.

Dar es Salaam. African countries should have ethical economic land policies to save the continent from land conflicts, international land conference was told on Wednesday.
African land need clear stewardship for the benefit of both current and the future generations.
This should put into consideration interests of small-scale farmers by involving them in any decisions made on the use of land.
The observation was made by Dr Camillu Kassala from Christian Professionals of Tanzania Research Fellow, Interfaith Standing Committee for Socio-economic Justice and Integrity of Creation, when presenting a paper at a conference in Dar es Salaam.
He said land holds the social-cultural attractions of many African communities; therefore forceful eviction of locals from their land in the name of investments interferes with social identity of people.
“There is a lot more that needs to be considered before any decision to evict people from their land is made, but apparently our government does not even give the locals opportunity to express their wishes,” he said.
According to Dr Kassala, the government is never neutral when it comes to acquisition of land by investors and only thinks of how to remain in power.
He accused the government of always working in the interest of influential members of the private sector who often give irrational demands.
For his part, the University of Dar es Salaam lecturer, Dr Ringo Tenga, basing on his previous research, said land grabbing is very much evident in Tanzania as the government tries to downplay the reality.