Friday 13 September 2013

Hospital challenged to improve Services

By  Lilian Lucas  (email the author)

Posted  Friday, September 13  2013 at  00:00
In Summary
Launching the hospital’s new board of directors, Mr Bendera challenged them to chart out strategies that will enable the expansion of the medial facility.

Morogoro. Regional authorities in Morogoro have challenged the regional hospital’s board to come up with strategies to improve health services at the facility.
According to the Morogoro regional commissioner, Mr Joel Bendera, the number of patients attending the hospital has exceeded the facility’s capacity to meet the demand.
Launching the hospital’s new board of directors, Mr Bendera challenged them to chart out strategies that will enable the expansion of the medial facility.
The RC also said many patients have been complaining about bureaucracy at the hospital and corruption by some officials.
“As board of directors you should ensure that the hospital staffs are conducting themselves in a professional manner,” said Mr Bendera.
In a bid to support the hospital, various companies based in Morogoro donated medical equipment and facilities to the hospital during the ceremony to inaugurate the new board of directors.