Wednesday 4 September 2013

Rwandan genocide survivor speaks at Mount Carmel Academy in New Orleans

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Immaculee Ilibagiza is greeted by St. Katherine Drexel's Unity Society, seniors Janae Hurst, Jada Clark and Ayana Lindsey, at her welcoming reception at Mount Carmel Academy in New Orleans. (Brian Cosse)
Jessie Lingenfelter, | The Times-Picayune By Jessie Lingenfelter, | The Times-Picayune
on August 28, 2013 at 7:03 AM, updated August 28, 2013 at 7:21 AM

Best-selling author Immaculée Ilibagiza  recently spoke with students of Mt. Carmel Academy in New Orleans about surviving the Rwandan Genocide nearly 20 years ago and the importance of love, faith, hope and forgiveness.
The presentation was one of many Ilibagiza led recently to promote her retreats Dec. 13-14 in New Orleans.
Principal Sister Beth Ann Simno introduced Ilibagiza to the jam-packed auditorium as a compassionate and exceptional individual with an inspiring story.
“This is one of those rare moments in life when you meet someone who knows the worst that life has to offer as well as the worst that life has to offer, and she wants to share her message with you,” Simno said.
Ilibagiza took the stage to tell the story of how her life was dramatically transformed during the 1994 Rwandan genocide, where she and seven other women spent 91 days huddled silently together in the small bathroom of a local pastor's house. While recounting the heart-breaking details of how she lost her entire family and many of her friends, Ilibagiza still managed to light the room with her smile and focused her presentation to the students on all that the experience had taught her.
“What is it that we live for? We have to do the best we can do and be the best that we can be because in the end the action of love is all that we leave behind,” Ilibagiza said. “It is not an accident that I survived the genocide. I am here because sharing my journey will inspire someone when they are in a bad circumstance. We all have our crosses to bear.”
Ilibagiza, an American citizen, immigrated to the United States in 1998 and found a passion in sharing her story with people from all walks of life and especially enjoys working with youth.
Immaculee inspires us to be more understanding and compassionate in all areas of our lives. Her life is her message. Jane Mickal
“Younger people have such open hearts and so much potential – they are our world of tomorrow,” Ilibagiza said. “After the genocide, I remember almost being mad at my parents. They had always taken care of me and sheltered me, but never prepared me for what would happen after they were gone. They did teach me, though, that it is not about one’s own life, it is about everyone’s life, and that is why I share my message.”
Jane Mickal, a teacher at Mt. Carmel who organized  Ilibagiza’s visit, said that the presentation far exceeded any expectation that she had and that students still had goose bumps from speaking with her and are all looking forward to attending her retreat in December.
“To hear and to experience Immaculée’s message of faith, hope, love and the healing grace of forgiveness was my ardent desire for our students. For them to witness the countercultural Love of God that she possesses and radiates to everyone in spite of the evil she encountered in the genocide was paramount in my heart,” Mickal said. “Immaculée inspires us to be more understanding and compassionate in all areas of our lives. Her life is her message.”
Senior Megan Mehaffey of Old Metairie, a student ambassador involved with planning Ilibagiza’s presentation with classmates in the campus ministry, said Ilibagiza is a role model.
“... Immaculée showed us to always look for the good in people and that people do bad things sometimes, but that does not make them bad people,” Mehaffey said.
Senior Sydney Sudderth of Belle Chasse said Ilibagiza’s story put her own problems in perspective.“It is incredible the way that Immaculée looks to the future and does not dwell on the past," Sudderth said. "I know that as young people, we can get mad over something as simple as a person taking a dollar from us, but she willingly forgave the people that killed her family. Hearing her story and what she went through humbles you, and makes you realized how truly blessed you are.”
Ilibagiza has published three books, including "Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust" which earned a spot on the New York Times Best Sellers List, and has recently signed a contract to produce a major motion picture about her story. She will return to New Orleans in December to host a retreat for teenagers on Dec. 13 and one for the general public on Dec. 14.
