Wednesday 25 September 2013

Letter to Mbugua Mwangi: A Real Man (Couples who died in Westgate mall attack)

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It takes great courage to become a husband, a friend and a lover,
A real man takes this on with pride and passion,
You did this when you made the decision to wed the love of your life,
And become the leader of a home and her heart.

With love as your courage and Rosemary as your true North,
You ran back into the eye of the storm to rescue her,
Fear was overcome by instinct for the only one that mattered,
For she was the only one who made your heart beat with a cause.

The forces of evil came and you took up your place as a man,
You protected your loved one without a second thought,
Even before the wedding, you earned the right to be her husband,
You proved you were man enough.

Although you are both gone,
You leave us with more than fond memories,
You carried the mantle of manhood high and set it in the skies,
You raised the bar for us and made your family proud.

The love you and fiancé shared will replace Romeo & Juliet,
It will be a Kenyan tale borne in the heart of truth,
Couples will echo of your love for generations and aspire to have the same,
You leave us with the true definition of love, a term distorted in these modern days.

In heaven, may you both have the honeymoon that never ends,
May your love continue to prosper as you smile down on us,
Your union was meant for the earth and the heavens,
Your memories will be etched in our hearts, minds and souls.