Wednesday 2 October 2013

To be successful, you must pass the test of resilience

Mr Huzefa Mohamed 

Posted  Tuesday, October 1  2013 at  11:45
In Summary
And unless you live a spectacularly blissful life, at some point in your life, you’ll need to start over, too. We all do start over in big and small things.

Someone asked me awhile ago what I was really good at. Half laughing, I told him I was good at “Starting over!” I’ve started over many times in life in so many areas.
And unless you live a spectacularly blissful life, at some point in your life, you’ll need to start over, too. We all do start over in big and small things.
A project gets delayed or terminated. We get laid off, downsized, right-sized or repurposed. We go off our diet or our exercise programme.
All sorts of catastrophes and inconveniences can thwart or stop our forward progress, sometimes sending us all the way back to square one.
But you can’t let it stop you. To be successful you must become and remain resilient.
Hardly anything goes the way we hope or plan that it will. I’m not being negative here; I’m being realistic. Setbacks, roadblocks and disappointments are just part of the natural flow of life.
Getting upset, frustrated or quitting in the face of difficulties doesn’t work and is usually indicative of immaturity, a poor attitude or both. Every day is a new day.
And it’s a good thing because it’s another opportunity to start over again every day. It matters little what’s happened. But it matters a lot what we do now.
When most people get in trouble they feel sad having to start over. They use valuable energy being angry and thinking and talking about how unfair it is. It’s a waste of energy and only detracts from their ability to get on with things.
Picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and starting afresh is the hallmark of a successful person. What about you? Where have you gotten off track? Where do you need to start again, recommit and plod ahead?
It doesn’t mean we do it in the same way. It means we learn from what we’ve done, adjust and move on.
My research on successful people has taught me that they aren’t people who had it easy.

In fact, they had it harder than most. But they were resilient. They grew stronger and wiser. They stayed on the course, and they won because of their persistence.
It’s not always fun and it’s rarely an easy thing to do. But it is necessary in order to achieve what’s truly important to us in life.