Wednesday 2 October 2013

Ponda disowns lawyers, case set to be heard November 7

By Hamida Shariff and Lilian Lucas The Citizen Correspondents

Posted  Wednesday, October 2  2013 at  08:15
In Summary
A legal battle ensued after State Attorney Bernard Kongola asked the defence to ensure that there were no reasons to halt the proceedings on November 7 when the case would come up again for hearing.

Morogoro. Drama ensued at a Morogoro court yesterday when the secretary of the Council of Islamic Organisations in Tanzania, Sheikh Ponda Issa ponda, disowned two defence lawyers.
Sheikh Ponda’s change of heart came after his legal counsel failed to show up in court a few minutes after his case came up for hearing at the Morogoro Resident Magistrate’s Court.
Instead, the controversial cleric was represented by Yahaya Njama who had represented him in a previous case at the Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court.
Mr Njama told resident magistrate Richard Kabate who is presiding over the case that he came to Mr Ponda’s rescue on behalf of the cleric’s well-known lawyer, Juma Nassoro, who he said was receiving treatment in India.
A legal battle ensued after State Attorney Bernard Kongola asked the defence to ensure that there were no reasons to halt the proceedings on November 7 when the case would come up again for hearing.
Mr Kabate said the court recognised lawyers Ignas Punge, Batlomeo Tarimo, and Juma Nasoro, who, he added, their records were in the court files.
“This court cannot believe that these lawyers are not representing the accused person until they bring a written official communication,’’ he said.
But defence lawyer, Yahaya Njama, stuck to his guns that his client had no idea whatsoever that the two lawyers were representing him.
Sheikh Ponda is charged with three counts of incitement, defying a legal order and instigating religious hatred.
Meanwhile, the Muslim cleric’s application to have the first count of violating a legal order quashed on the grounds that the court had no jurisdiction to preside over the matter hit a brick wall yesterday.
Magistrate Kabate rejected the defence’s request that it be taken to the Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s court, saying that the offence was committed in Morogoro.