Friday 18 October 2013

Govt ready to repay $25m Chinese loan

18th October 2013
Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda is welcomed by his Chinese counterpart, Li Keqiang, for talks in Beijing yesterday. (Photo: Hilary Bujiku of PMO)
Government has announced its preparedness to pay back the US$24.6m/- loan it got from the Chinese government to renovate the Tanzania-China Friendship Textile Mills (Urafiki) saying it would do so in the next Financial year.

Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda made the statement yesterday in China where he is on a nine day visit.
“We prepared to start paying back the loan in the coming financial year 2012/15,” the Premier told Chinese Prime Minister, Li Keqiang.

In that regard, Finance Minister Dr. William Mgimwa issued a written commitment to the Chinese Government back in September asserting the government’s intent to pay back the loan in the said period of time, Pinda affirmed to Keqiang.

In just the first two days of his visit, the vigilant Premier has already signed at least five Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with his Chinese counterpart in Beijing. The MoUs cover the science and technology industry, another encompasses the sell of ocean products to China, while another one the tourism industry.

Also there is one covering textile process zone meant to boost cotton farming in the country and finally an MoU to offer land for the construction of a modernised Chinese Embassy in Dar es Salaam. Apart from the five MoUs the Pinda also brought Keqiang‘s attention to the importance of China’s investment in Tanzania’s agriculture, energy, education and infrastructure sectors.

According to the PM, China’s concessional loans to Tanzania have been the most affordable compared to loans from other countries.

Today the Premier is expected to officially open a ten-day workshop to be attended by 20 Tanzanian government officials from the Uongozi Institute of Tanzania and China’s Uongozi Institute as well. They will also visit several firms including the China Power Investment (CPI), an aluminum production plant and the third-largest national oil company in the country, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation, or CNOOC Group.

Pinda is also scheduled to meet a Tobacco firm’s board on the same day and later in the evening, the Prime Minister will convene and dine with Tanzanians living in Beijing.