Friday 18 October 2013

Unanswered questions on Dar’s Sunday murder

Sources told The Citizen that police were looking into all the scenarios that unfolded at Ms Ufoo Saro’s house in Kibamba in efforts to piece together evidence to unravel the mystery.PHOTO|FILE 
By The Citizen Team

Posted  Friday, October 18  2013 at  00:00
In Summary
According to the police, they have not been able to interrogate the ITV reporter on the advice of her doctors. Details from the hospital indicated yesterday that the patient who was rushed there unconscious, and with two bullets lodged in her body was improving and was put on exercises to regain mobility after successful operation on the fateful day.

Dar es Salaam. The mystery surrounding the gunning down of ITV reporter Ufoo Saro’s mother by her fiance took a new turn yesterday with new questions emerging over the sequence of events leading to Sunday’s tragic incident.
Anthery Mushi is said to have turned the gun on himself after killing Anastazia Saro, 58, and seriously wounding his fiancee.
But Mushi’s close relatives raised queries over his death yesterday, suggesting foul play following the release of a postmortem report at the Muhimbili National Hospital.
Speaking at a brief farewell ceremony at the hospital, the family’s spokesperson, Mr Isaya Mushi, said Anthery had been killed by two gunshots to the head.
“As a family we are shocked at this discovery and want the police to carry out thorough investigations to establish the truth behind his death,” Mr Mushi said as he briefed mourners on the postmortem report.
According to him, Anthery was found to have been shot from two different angles. Quoting the report, Mr Mushi said the deceased had bullet entries under the chin and on the left side of his head, near the ear.
“We are highly doubtful how exactly our brother died because the question now is: how is it possible that someone can shoot himself twice in the head and from two different sides?” Mr Mushi queried. He asked the Police Force to use expertise and wisdom in investigating the shocking killings.
Meanwhile, police told The Citizen that they were still investigating the matter before coming to a conclusive outcome of the motive and other details. A source at Central Police Station who spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorised to speak to the media over the matter said two teams had been assigned to collect more evidence.
“One team was sent to the Saro family and another to the Mushis. However, the key witness in the investigation will be Ufoo who is still recovering at Muhimbili Hospital,” said the police officer.
According to the police, they have not been able to interrogate the ITV reporter on the advice of her doctors. Details from the hospital indicated yesterday that the patient who was rushed there unconscious, and with two bullets lodged in her body was improving and was put on exercises to regain mobility after successful operation on the fateful day.
Yesterday’s twist adds to the puzzling sequence of the killings that took place in Kibamba area in the outskirts of Dar es Salaam and which would likely invite more scrutiny in the police investigations.
Antel, 40, reportedly shot dead Ms Saro’s mother in her house at 6am before shooting his fiancee. Initial police reports said the United Nations (UN) employee who was based in Southern Sudan then turned the gun on himself. Antel was said to have lived with Ms Saro for 13 years and had a child together.

Ms Saro’s mother who was shot five times was buried on Wednesday in Moshi and Antel is scheduled to be buried today, also in Moshi. Sources told The Citizen that police were looking into all the scenarios that unfolded at Ms Ufoo Saro’s house in Kibamba in efforts to piece together evidence to unravel the mystery.
Some of the questions they are investigating is the items found with Anthery and circumstances that saw Ofoo escape the murder scene after she had been shot twice, to seek treatment at a nearby hospital. There is also the number of bullets fired in the house from the pistol that Anthery was carrying at the time.
On Sunday the police revealed the list of items that Anthery was found with in his car. They included handcuffs, an acid bottle, an axe and a rope prepared like the one used by a hangman. Unconfirmed reports said there was also a second gun in the car.
Anthery and Ufoo had reportedly driven from another place to her mother’s house at 6am to reportedly solve undisclosed differences. Her younger siblings who lived with the Ufoo’s mother said they narrowly escaped the gun-wielding Anthery by slipping through the roof when their house was set on fire by Anthery. Yesterday, as mourners bid Antel his last journey, Mr Mushi said the story of how the killings took place did not add up and had puzzled them before learning of the two bullets on his head.
Mr Mushi said they smell a rat, because they still believe their kin was incapable of committing the heinous killing , given his family and social background. “It is difficult for us to believe he did it. Anthery was a very nice person all his life and we were utterly shocked to learn he was in town and has killed people close to him,” said Mushi.
He added that they would also await the story from Ufoo as she was the only one now to say exactly what their alleged quarrel was.
Reported by Henry Mwangonde, Anuciatha Lucas and Selemani Shekonga