Saturday 5 October 2013


Posted by: Albert Nyakundi Amenya on October 1, 2013

If you ask Kenya and the world, they will tell you that Abdul Haji is fantastically a famed hero.

Evidently, the man who coincidentally happens to be the biological son of former defense minister Mr. Mohamed Yusuf Haji, enchantingly saved lives during the West Gate attack. Undoubtedly, this man has won scores of desperate hearts world over due to his unafraid character.

I understand perfectly well that the reputation this man has earned is highly unalterable. In a couple of occasions, Haji was seen going into the mall, and then exiting with different victims. Following his prodigious achievement, this man should be celebrated for his bravery.

However, before I hurriedly compliment this young man, I wish to procrastinate a little bit for some imperative reasons. Yes, before I extol this licensed firearm holder, I wish to take exception to his intrepid character. Indeed, before I buy his courage, I wish to ask a couple of questions in regard to his enchanting daredevilry.

To begin with, the boy is just a licensed firearm holder and not a trained soldier. With only a pistol, Mr. Haji who by coincident professes Islam as his rightful religion, dared go into the Mall without even a bullet proof vest. An act of bravery indeed, one can attest.

I am profoundly affected by the way Kenyans are highly grading this fellow without thinking deeply. Ask yourself, how possible could it be, for a man who is not militarily trained, to preternaturally go into the building full of terrorists not only once, or twice, but several times, and fish out victims unscathed? How dare he?

Someone tell me, is it by coincidence or by default that his photographer blindly accompanied Haji to the riskiest points where the said militants could be hiding? How tactical and technical was it that the photographer only concentrated with Abdul only given the fact that there were other rescuers undertaking the same mission as himself?
How predestined were circumstances that his brother could be in the Mall during the attack and that he could be around to rescue him?
As far as I know his father Mr. Yusuf Haji, he is a monster who has no reputation to keep.
They say truth speaks louder than words. Haji’s historical background serves as a perfect edification that corroborates and substantiates my sentiments. Haji’s involvement in unending ethnic skirmishes is evident to all. As a matter of fact, the latest one is the Tana River massacre where scores lost their lives.
To be clear, I wish to substantiate that being a Question Master here, does not mean that I do not countenance the excellently captivating work done by this young man. My counterbalancing is aimed at putting things in black and white.

Sincerely, I want to Keep mum and wait patiently for answers but, my heart reminds me of the proverb that expounds how “A Watched Pot Never Boils” I totally fail to comprehend why attackers had spared the lives of the two Hadjis. Something tells me that the two brothers must have been connected to the whole issue given their father’s sullied and stinking reputation.

To be quite honest, I, just like any other reasonable human being, was astounded to see motionless human being bodies or cadavers or corpses sprawled everywhere in West Gate Mall. Therefore, I can readily attest here that it is ungainly for me to just sit back and do nothing but grief. That won’t help.

When I watched Abdul flee the building with different preconscious victims, my sixth sense eerily alerted me to be aware of something was amiss somewhere. I sat down the whole day, engrossed in unlimited calculations. I had suspected this hero of ours before knowing his identity.

To prove that I am not being graceless to my brother Haji I wish declare here that we in the writing fraternity suffered a big blow after losing an excellent poet and writer. Ghanaian poet Koffi Awoonor died in the West Gate attack when gunmen opened fire indiscriminately, killing more than 100 people.

Another writer who escaped death narrowly is veteran Wole Soyinka who by then, was supposed to accompany Awoonor but failed to attend due to reasons known to him. Professor Awoonor, May the almighty God rest your soul in its rightful place. You were a true emeritus and in poetry and writing.

Professor, With some of your memorable works like, The House by the Sea, Comes the Voyager at Last and the Promise of Hope, you will forever remain in both our minds and hearts. It is painfully heartrending to lose such a statesman like you. Your unblemished reputation is inscribed in our thoughts. See you again Emeritus Awoonor.

Albert Nyakundi Amenya, Banana Pedlar, the County of Kisii (Kitutu Chache)
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