Monday 21 October 2013

EAC joint military exercises open in Burundi

21st October 2013
Gervais Rufyikiri, Second Vice President of Burundi
Two weeks of joint military exercises conducted by the East African Community member states opened in Burundi over the weekend.

Dubbed ‘Ushirikiano Imara 2013’ the exercise is taking place on Muzinda barracks, 19 kilometres off Bujumbura and at least 269 EAC military personnel and key stakeholders, including the police are participating.

Flagging-off the exercise, the Second Vice President of Burundi, Gervais Rufyikiri, said the goal is to boost peace, support operations, counter terrorism and piracy as well as disaster management.

“The presence of five contingents from EAC partner states is a sign of solidarity,” he pointed out.
“EAC countries share a lot in common. Whatever happens to one partner has an impact on others,” he said calling on the need for increased.

The EAC Secretary General, Dr Richard Sezibera, said cohesion among EAC governments, particularly harmonised defence training and military cooperation, sends a strong message to the enemies of peace and in this regard he spoke of the recent terrorist attack in Kenya, saying, "…terrorists thought this was an attack on Kenya but it was an attack on all of us.”

One minute of silence was observed in remembrance of victims of the barbaric and brutal attack on Kenya.